How Sage The Way Was Born

It began as a “request” for a domain name and turned into exactly what I needed, a place to bring all of me together.

In June of 2022, I was searching for a domain to “play with” so that I could see if I wanted to re-build my own website on a new platform from a new perspective. The domain was simply going to be a test site for this experiment so I search on my domain provider for a new one that was inexpensive. After multiple attempts and searching and only coming up with ones that were either unavailable or crazy expensive, i stepped back from the computer and asked for guidance.

Immediately, the words “Sage The Way” came into my head so I looked it up. As you can see, it was both available and nearly free! I clicked on the buy button and and had myself a new domain to play with. As I told my friends about this, they agreed that this name fit me better than I could have imagined. Now was the challenge to decide on a platform and begin building. 🤪

I asked my networks for platform recommendations and quickly narrowed it down to just 2 options. Either one would be a learning curve so I selected Square Space based on the feedback I received. And now for the build…..

I made myself nuts so many times trying to figure things out and running into road blocks. I would put the project away for a while and then crawl back when I was ready to get beat up again. Each time I learned something new and each time I got a little bit more put together.

Once I was a bit more comfortable with the platform, I began creating the new content and watched my dream come together like a tapestry. (This painting was inspired by the publishing of this site. It finally made sense why I was putting all of this together. I was putting me back together!!)

As the content developed, I realized how much more this was than a website.

I am known for sharing “Sage” advice because I have always been that person with a plethora of helpful knowledge that is simply information I have stored in my brain that even I am unaware of until the need arises. I often feel like I physically reach deep within myself to retrieve a fact or story that I can feel is pertinent to the conversation I’m having with someone. I like to know when I meet with someone that we will both walk away with a little piece of new information, something that will enhance our lives.

I am always excited to learn new ideas, concepts, facts, technology…… And then sharing it is an even bigger thrill! As I mentioned on the Home page,

“Knowledge is only powerful when it is shared!”

The second piece of Sage The Way was actually my first interpretation of the name. In the realm of energy work, it is a common practice to “Sage” or “Smudge” a person or space to remove any negative energy and promote clarity and healing. Saging is a powerful ritual that allows one to cleanse and purify the energy, creating a harmonious and sacred environment.

This is what I am creating here, a safe space to learn and grow. I am open to your questions, comments or feedback.

Tapestry of Carol Denise

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

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Let’s start with a conversation to discover your blocks, struggles and goals. Together we will craft a program that is right for you! Our initial conversation is free so that we can determine if working together is a good fit for both of us.